This post is dedicated to the early riser and all the beauty they embrace.
And then there are those like me, who'd prefer a much later sleep in but get woken by a small child hellbent on seeing the sunrise every day.
Whether you are an early riser or not, there is much to be celebrated and appreciated in the dawn of a new day.
Let's see what my tired eyes and foggy mind can come up with at this hour:
• the crispness in the air
• the sun peeping through the trees
• the explosive chorus of birdsong (at some ridiculous hour in the summer months)
• the cackle of Kookaburras (often too close to the bedroom window)
• the pitter patter, scratchy clatter of dogs playing on the verandah (while you're still trying to sleep)
• the charming cup of tea your hubby brings you in bed (or not) - one can only hope
• the silly sense of humour that comes from not getting enough sleep
• solitude (if you're lucky enough to get it)
• the time and space to "create" (something just for you - whatever that may be)
• naked hula-hooping in the front yard (just kidding - although that would be kind of fun)
• a peaceful walk around the neighbourhood (preferably without small child in tow)
• the time to write a silly, happy blog post (whilst small child is begging to play games on the iPad instead)
See it's all quite good really - very positive indeed.
But most of all for me today, is the delicious dreaming of a breakfast a very dear friend is about to come and cook me.....seriously!!! How wonderful is that.
Whether tired, cranky or spritely, celebrate mornings and look forward to the happiness each day brings.
Top o' the morn to ya