A friend recently told me they needed another "Mary Blog" (yes it's been a while)!
Take laughter for example - how often do we laugh each day - how many times do we touch the lives of others and incite smiles, laughter or touch?
Their kind comment made my day and confirmed that when we follow our calling good things happen!
For as long as I can remember I've loved to write. Connecting within and presenting my voice through written words has always brought me joy and therefore, personal success. So then it got me thinking about that ever puzzling concept and word - SUCCESS. And what it means to people. To many it's associated with careers, relationships, money or status.
Yet to me success lies in the small everyday things, the seemingly unnoticeable....the simple things that align us to the life we're meant to be leading. Like a passing comment or compliment from a friend acknowledging something we value, enjoy or strive to incorporate into our daily life. Cha-Ching!! Therein lies a little insight into your very own personal success. And it was right there within you all along.
Yet too often we are influenced by others superficial and competitive interpretation of success. Or we are self-defeating in our thought patterns and therefore take for granted all the simple things that translate into personal daily successes.
Take laughter for example - how often do we laugh each day - how many times do we touch the lives of others and incite smiles, laughter or touch?
How often do we console or encourage our friends, partners or children?
How often do we embrace our natural world and absorb the life force that surrounds us?
How often do we simply appreciate?
How often do we just DO things we enjoy?
These to me are the seemingly unnoticeable, the simple yet successful things we tap into each and every day. And if we stop to listen we might just bear witness to other hidden gems of personal success, like the ability to write, draw, listen, paint, dance, sing, run, bake, dress, play sport, influence, create, breathe!!
Life's successes are all around YOU - you just have to listen, feel and acknowledge them.
Notice the things that make you smile, the things you do instinctively, the things others notice about you, the things you've done since childhood, the things that bring you JOY.
There is a soulful source of success shining from within - feel it, find it. And be happy, not only for your own successes but the successes of others. That right there is another success! Good luck!
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks within, awakens." - Carl Jung