Dream Big with Adjectives

July 30, 2013

Do you have dreams? Desires to one day see the world, get married, have children, secure the ultimate job?

It's important to set goals and look to a bright future.

Having something to look forward to helps us appreciate the here and now and gets us through the days that aren't so bright.

There are many things we can do to remind us of our goals like set inspiring wallpaper images on our computers, create vision boards, write lists etc. 

But what if we're the type that struggles to even think of goals? 
All it takes is a little soul searching, a good imagination and a thesaurus!

For all the inspiration you need I suggest reading a great article in O-Mag written by Life Coach, Martha Beck.  It's titled, "How Three Simple (But Powerful) Words Can Put You On the Path to Happiness." (link to full article below)

Martha suggests transporting yourself forward to a place where you have achieved your goal - or a place where you are enjoying what you are "experiencing". She asks us to imagine how we feel in this space....to find words that describe what we feel in the experience (adjectives). The great thing about choosing adjectives is that they inspire us to imagine other ways to generate these same feelings and emotions; therefore we create even more goals and "feel good" experiences for ourselves. 

In essence Martha believes that using adjectives to define our goals allows us to imagine "experiences" rather than situations - and experiences are really what we all strive for.
It made a lot of sense to me and has certainly improved my inclination to set goals more regularly.

For a great 4-step exercise in setting adjective goals go here:

For Martha's full article go here:
It is well worth the read.

Changing the way we think about setting goals could just be the key to achieving them.
Good luck with the adjective journey. Grab a thesaurus and start dreaming!

And now let me share one of my dreams...to one day see the amazing Italian City of Positano. Just looking at this picture inspires a plethora of adjectives! I think of them everyday.

photo courtesy of all-that-is-interesting

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