This blog post is dedicated to a dear friend who recently lost his battle with depression and as a result, very sadly lost his life. RIP Craig "Tunny" Tunnock - forever in our hearts - we love you bro!!
Like the world's most wondrous mountains, life is BIG, beautiful and awe inspiring.
But in contrast, it is also rugged in parts. Its treacherous tracks can leave some feeling exhausted, desperate, confused, ill-at-ease and vulnerably isolated. Without even realising it, the dark abyss below can rise up to meet the adventurer face to face. And surely that's who we all are...."adventurers"....playing in life's fields, waters, mountains, streets. Play is fun and we relish the good times but getting beat time after time can knock even the strongest adventurer down.
With booming population numbers and increased interactive technology available, one would think there should be less need for any of us to feel alone and depressed. But the complexities of mental illness are vast, therefore it is vitally important to gain knowledge and seek support to help ourselves and others who may be suffering.
I am by no means, undermining the complexities of mental illness - if anything I am advocating its seriousness and the desperate need for it to be recognised, accepted and researched further.
Please if you do only one thing today - acknowledge it's existence. Take a moment to value your own mental health and that of those around you!
There is no better time to start paying attention to what's happening in your own life and that of those you care for.
If you are feeling uncharacteristically ill-at-ease, isolated, desperate, anxious or depressed or you know someone who is, seek help.
Be kind, be open, be supportive without judgement!
If you don't where to turn, the websites below could be a good place to start.
To gain access to a list of Australia's official mental health support services, visit:
Like the world's most wondrous mountains, life is BIG, beautiful and awe inspiring.
But in contrast, it is also rugged in parts. Its treacherous tracks can leave some feeling exhausted, desperate, confused, ill-at-ease and vulnerably isolated. Without even realising it, the dark abyss below can rise up to meet the adventurer face to face. And surely that's who we all are...."adventurers"....playing in life's fields, waters, mountains, streets. Play is fun and we relish the good times but getting beat time after time can knock even the strongest adventurer down.
With booming population numbers and increased interactive technology available, one would think there should be less need for any of us to feel alone and depressed. But the complexities of mental illness are vast, therefore it is vitally important to gain knowledge and seek support to help ourselves and others who may be suffering.
Many may think that certain people are just better equipped to handle life's rough patches. Doesn't that then generate the thought, that as a community we need to pay attention to our tribe and reach out to those who need a hand along life's arduous and treacherous paths.
Just as the mountains stand huddled together, so should we, as community!!! The small and the tall, all striving for harmony.
Life is a journey like no other - a rough, rugged and exquisitely beautiful ride - the troughs exist but the peaks remain. Sometimes people need a leg-up along the way, in order to see the view and the beauty of the landscape ahead. Reach out and take the hand of those in need, listen and offer support.
Life is a journey like no other - a rough, rugged and exquisitely beautiful ride - the troughs exist but the peaks remain. Sometimes people need a leg-up along the way, in order to see the view and the beauty of the landscape ahead. Reach out and take the hand of those in need, listen and offer support.
I am by no means, undermining the complexities of mental illness - if anything I am advocating its seriousness and the desperate need for it to be recognised, accepted and researched further.
Please if you do only one thing today - acknowledge it's existence. Take a moment to value your own mental health and that of those around you!
There is no better time to start paying attention to what's happening in your own life and that of those you care for.
If you are feeling uncharacteristically ill-at-ease, isolated, desperate, anxious or depressed or you know someone who is, seek help.
Be kind, be open, be supportive without judgement!
If you don't where to turn, the websites below could be a good place to start.
To gain access to a list of Australia's official mental health support services, visit:
For suicide prevention or bereavement advice visit: