Life is like a Passing Cloud
June 27, 2014
It most certainly is!!!
There is nothing more precious or unpredictable as life!!
Just as the clouds above drift in and out of our vision, so too does life.
It's formation is different for us all - sometimes light and fluffy and full of joy, other times dark and heavy and full of turbulence.
But despite it's presentation at any given time, it is a gift.
It is always something to be appreciated.
It is always something to be appreciated.
Life lives and breathes in each of us, in the animals and the nature we see around us. And yet, it all comes and goes. After enveloping us in it's miraculous power there comes a time when it simply leaves in its wake, a life-force and a treasured memory of existence.
Memories are precious but existence should be treasured beyond all measure. Take it seriously, embrace it with love, care and attention. Take in it's breath and house it with nurturing. Appreciate not only the life of your own but the life of others...the everlasting mark another living being makes in this world - be it their smile, their style, their charity work, career achievements, their ability to love etc. We all leave our mark.
And when it is sadly only the mark that remains, offer your breath of compassion to others as they mourn the loss of life gone by, a loved one passed on, a pet no longer there. It's times like these, that your existence becomes vitally important, in your ability to breathe loving life force into the nurturing needs of another.
Our ability to love all things throughout life, is surely the greatest thanks we can give for our gift.
Life is learning, life is caring. It is supporting, loving and nurturing.
It is being mindful and taking the time each day to breathe in all that we appreciate.
Taste it, smell it, feel it, hear it, speak it, SEE it, embrace it.
Reach out to the life forces all around you.
Would love to hear from you - please share your thoughts