Here's to Hope

December 08, 2012

Christmas is the time of year to give, share, spend time with our families, create memories and reflect on the year that's past.

It's the time of year for hope....hope that the upcoming year provides opportunities, good health, luck, love, whatever we desire.

But for many, hope feels out of reach. Unfortunately for some, Christmas can be a stressful and depressing time. It can be a time of isolation and financial distress and can highlight a lack of achievement for the year just past.

As sad as it is, I'm sure we've all known someone who has suffered at Christmas.

So this year when you think about hope, consider what really matters, not only to you, but to others. We can all hope for a brighter future for everyone.

It is my hope for 2013 that all those in need find shelter, food, clothing, warmth, friendship, acceptance, peace, confidence, employment and countless opportunities for a life well lived.

I hope that those who've lost loved ones find support and peace in the months to come; that those who's families have broken down find the strength and support to carry on.

I hope that new mums struggling with the enormity of motherhood find some respite, someone to talk to and some well deserved time to relax and recharge.

I hope that the lonely find strong and lasting connections with people who truly care.

And there is more, so much more each and every one of us can hope for in our immediate and wider communities.

Better yet, take action - volunteer! Offer your time and support to a friend or organisation in need.

Be the voice of hope for someone this season.

Here's to Hope!
May everyone find it and share this Christmas.

For those interested, here is a link to the Salvation Army's Hope Christmas Appeal:

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